An illustration for ICAEW's Economia magazine about how devolving powers to a local level can help get local communities more involved in shaping the areas in which they live.
Thanks to AD Emma O'Neil! An illustration for Pirelli - World Magazine about how we're heading towards an OMO (Online Merges with Offline) society. Getting used to virtual life is only the first of the changes that digital technology is bringing to our world, writes author Paolo Gallo.
A selection of illustrations and short animated videos made for Brandman University's recruiting campaign. This is part of a larger advertising project started in 2017, more details here. Thanks to art director Carla Morano! Animations by JP Marketing. Child Psychology This week on Internazionale, three illustrations for an article by John Lanchester about the Universal Basic Income, a radical idea that "has the potential to be the frame-changing, game-changing solution to a whole set of economic and political problems", according to the author.
Thanks to AD Alberto Notarbartolo, as always! Latest illustration for The Summit, magazine of the environmental insurance broker Beacon Hill Associates.
This issue focuses on the risks connected with industrial facilities, that often involves toxic and potentially harmful materials. Thanks to AD Robye Davidson, as always! Three illustrations for IU Alumni Magazine about why so many managers lack the “soft skills” of interaction - empathy, self-awareness, listening, etc., ending up creating miscommunication and untenable situations in the workplaces they run. And how to fill this gap.
Thanks to AD Brittany Nicole Olson! Cover illustration for Newslink, magazine publication of Honda Financial Services, about electronic contracting that are going to make life easier for financial managers and customers.
Thanks to AD Joey Crossling at Pace Communications! Cover illustration for Investment News, about how to slow down the flood of brokers leaving their firms.
Thanks to AS Pablo Turcios. Latest cover illustration for American Gas, about Southern Company Gas’ recent CIS consolidation across six of its natural gas utilities, which ultimately has led to better customer interactions and greater employee satisfaction.
Thanks to AD Jason Deller/ The YSG Group! Cover and interior illustrations for HR Magazine about the "boomerang employees": why HR leaders are finding many reasons to welcome ex-employees back into the fold.
Thanks to AD John Anderson! |
AuthorRecent works and news from my illustrator activity. Archives
January 2025