Two illustrations for Emory Magazine about how Emory's team of researchers helps patients find solutions to their problems getting quality slumber. Thanks to AD Elizabeth Hautau!
Two illustrations for Scientific American about the staggering economic burden of Alzheimer's, that poses a global economic challenge, affecting rich, middle-income and poor nations.
Thanks to AD Joelle Bolt! Illustration for Diablo about how chronic loneliness and isolation can contribute to many negative health impacts.
Thanks to AD David Bergeron! Illustration for Diablo magazine about how to cope with Alzheimer's. While there’s no cure for this disease, early diagnosis by a neurologist or geriatrician helps patients and their families choose the best treatment and support.
Thanks to AD David Bergeron! Illustration for the Emergency's subscription card 2024. The motto of the campaign "La cura continua" alludes to their continuous, relentless commitment in favor of the victims of war and poverty.
Thanks to Cookies Agency for having involved me in this project. Cover and interior illustrations for Columbia Medicine about a new initiative to instill a healthier coping mechanism for surgeons who experience difficult complications and outcomes during procedures. Far too often surgeons are expected to remain strong and don't - or can't - allow for emotions. Thanks to AD Eson Chan, as always!
Cover illustration for Hospes Magazine dedicated to the importance of collaboration between hospital staff and specialists in palliative care in order to improve the patients' quality of life and that of their families.
Hospes is the house organ of Fondazione Hospice Serágnoli, which offers palliative care and support to patients with advanced diseases. Thanks to AD Nicla Sportelli! Cover illustration for Hospes Magazine dedicated to the need to provide palliative care to all patients who need it. Hospes is the house organ of Fondazione Hospice Serágnoli, which offers palliative care and support to patients with advanced diseases, with the aim of improving their own quality of life and that of their families.
Cover illustration for Kansas Alumni about the great advances by Kansas University's Cancer Center in research and treatment for patients and families, after they earned National Cancer Institute's most prestigious status. Thanks to AD Susan Younger!
Latest cover illustration for Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health magazine: how public health can tackle the profound social and economic inequities in order to pursue social justice. Thanks Dog Ear Consultants for the art direction, as always! Aligning two paths to health. As the novel coronavirus struck all parts of society far from equally, public health should be integrated with social justice in order to tackle fundamental barriers to health.
AuthorRecent works and news from my illustrator activity. Archives
July 2024