Cover illustration for Hospes Magazine dedicated to the importance of collaboration between hospital staff and specialists in palliative care in order to improve the patients' quality of life and that of their families.
Hospes is the house organ of Fondazione Hospice Serágnoli, which offers palliative care and support to patients with advanced diseases. Thanks to AD Nicla Sportelli! Cover illustration for Hospes Magazine dedicated to the need to provide palliative care to all patients who need it. Hospes is the house organ of Fondazione Hospice Serágnoli, which offers palliative care and support to patients with advanced diseases, with the aim of improving their own quality of life and that of their families.
Cover illustration for Kansas Alumni about the great advances by Kansas University's Cancer Center in research and treatment for patients and families, after they earned National Cancer Institute's most prestigious status. Thanks to AD Susan Younger!
Latest cover illustration for Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health magazine: how public health can tackle the profound social and economic inequities in order to pursue social justice. Thanks Dog Ear Consultants for the art direction, as always! Aligning two paths to health. As the novel coronavirus struck all parts of society far from equally, public health should be integrated with social justice in order to tackle fundamental barriers to health.
New cover illustration for Le Scienze/Mind Dossier (Italian edition of Scientific American) about the adventure - and the strain - of being parents today. Thanks to art director Giovanna Salvini!
Cover and interior illustrations for American College of Gastroenterology: welcoming and uplifting diverse voices from LBGTQ+ physicians and creating a place in the conversation for them in the profession.
Thanks to AD Emily Garel! Cover and interior illustration for Science magazine about how science, like the rest of society, has been swept up in the storms caused by social media. This issue looks at how scientists study and fight mis- and disinformation, how harassment and intimidation have spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic and how researchers use Twitter to inform the public and share their findings with colleagues. Thanks to Chrystal Smith and to all the Science's art directors, as always! Riding the Twitter wave: Detecting bullshits:
Latest illustration for Science about the paradoxical situation of those researchers who had lots of responsibilities during the pandemic (kids, parents, distant family in hard-hit countries) coming back to the lab and finding that their peers used the time to achieve career-related work.
Thanks to AD Christina Aycock! Very happy to learn this cover illustration made for NAVC's Today's Veterinary Business received a Charlie Award by the Florida Magazine Association in the Best Traditional Illustration category!
The subject was the increase in appointment no-shows by pet owners, which has an awful impact on the practice and on other pet owners seeking an appointment. Thanks to Creative Director Elizabeth Fleener and Art Director Brent Cashman! Latest illustration for Diablo Magazine about the fight against COVID-19. From creating effective coronavirus tests to contributing to vaccine development, local thought leaders brought their A-game to the fight against the virus.
Story by Kimberly Olson. Thanks to AD Tyler McCarville! |
AuthorRecent works and news from my illustrator activity. Archives
February 2025